Saturday, May 24, 2008


Yes! I won this game!

I have a few profiles around the various sites, Myspace, Facebook, Okurt and Friendster. I was pretty addicted to Myspace for a couple of months, constantly scouring over profiles and groups, then it just got old. Now I visit a couple times a week to check on friends and to see if I have any messages.

When my work blocked Myspace there was a mass exodus to Facebook because it was still accessible, so I joined along. Facebook was ok, not as interesting as Myspace was but then I found Attack! and now I am on Facebook at least three times a day. It's probably a good thing that they blocked Facebook at work also because I would probably play Attack! all day long. It's risk on the computer and you can play against friends in games that you take your turn whenever you are available or you can play live games against anyone else who is on Facebook and wanting to play Attack!. The live games are fun, they last up to 30 minutes and can be interesting. It took me some time before I won my first live game. My favorite is when people start smack talking each other and then they just make really dumb moves because they're to worried about calling some names about a computer game.

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