Monday, August 25, 2008

Pizza, a Senator and the incredible INTERNET

Initially posted on my other blog thought that it would fit in here also.

I honestly love the internet. It's truly an amazing thing. I also continue to find the story of the Pizza girl and Senate Majority Leader very interesting. One of the most interesting aspects of the story to me is how the blog post was found and how fast it spread. The post first appeared on Monday the 18th, it apeared on the Utah Bloghive Tuesday evening on this blog, KSL Nightside project picked it up Tuesday night and by Friday KSL news did the story above. All this from someone simply posting a story on a blog that she believed very few people viewed. This story has been in both big Utah papers, digg, dailykos, and is being read in Europe, Australia and just about anywhere else.

There are lessons that people should already know by now about the internet, I believe two very important lessons that should be re-learned.

The first important lesson, in our web 2.0 generation anything you say or do CAN end up on the internet. Besides the famous examples of Paris Hilton and other celeb sex tapes, politicians who believe they are talking off the mic, there are probably millions of everyday story's of people who do or say something they thought was private that ends up on the internet. We should know and especially public figures should know this lesson. Of course we should be kind to everyone and act appropriately whether or not it will end up on the internet. Our actions shouldn't be determined by if they will end up on the internet but we should keep that in mind.

The other lesson, whatever is posted on a blog, sent in an email or in a text message is in the public domain. Here's a good explanation on how the post was probably found. Even if you believe no one is reading your blog, someone is. Think that your friend will not forward or post your email or the picture you text them you always have to think that they might.

Reading the comments on the pizza girl's blog, on ksl and other blogs who have posted about his story shows that this is a common thread in Senator Curt Brambles life and his dealings with people, especially people who he feels are beneath him. I seriously doubt that this will cost him the election but lets hope that it will cost him the leader position that he so easily abuses.

One of my favorite post on the story. I also like this post

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