Sunday, August 3, 2008

August Already?

Time goes by way to fast! B starts school in two weeks, I go back in three. Summer is almost over!! The good news is that I've been eating my grape tomatoes and they are sooo good. I think I'll have to run an extension cord out to my garden (to run my laptop) either that or sit out there with my book I've been trying to get though all summer. (Don't worry, I will blog about it when I finish, if I finish it). Now if I can get my other tomatoes to turn.

You know the picture of the plant, in this case a bell pepper plant they have on the little tag when you buy the baby plant in the store? We'll my bell peppers are not bell peppers. They looked like bell peppers on the tag, we'll thats not what is growing in my garden. It's a pepper just not a bell pepper. Hopefully they are just as tasty.

Cody has a new word, "damn it!" I would like to blame T for this but I say it almost as much as she does. Actually I probably say it more but she is around the kids more then I am so that changes the score. T's dad told us cody said it when he fell down at the park and he said it a couple times over the week end, one of them right after I said it. I don't think we any good at this parenting thing, because when he said it, T and I just looked at each other and laughed. I can hear him saying it now in nursery after falling down or hitting his head.

Cody is also never "poopy". Whenever we ask him if he needs his diaper changed or if he is poopy, he tells us, "I not poppy" and grabs his bum. Luke, his cousin on the other hand will always claim that he is poopy, "me poopy" with a huge grin on his face whether he his poopy or not.

Being Sunday I'm going to try something new with something about the church/gospel/what be it on Sunday. In a meeting sometime in the last week or two, I loss track of all the meetings I go to, one of the Stake Pres. was telling us a story about the farmer who owns the land North of the Stake Ball park. This farmer had owned his farm since before the stake had ball diamonds. Most of that area was owned by the church and used for farming, ask anyone raised in Rose Park before the '70's and they'll tell you all about the hog farms. Anyway this farmer got his water from a ditch that goes through the ball park to his farm. If he wants his water to get to his farm he has to make sure to keep that ditch open and free from any obstructions, weeds, trees, rocks and whatever else. We'll that farmer died over the winter and the new farmer hasn't learned this, leading to the ball park getting flooded just about ever time water goes into the ditch. The moral was that we need to keep our "ditch" open so that the water can make it to the crops. You could use this on different levels, in this instance he was encourage us to attend the temple on a regular basis, do our genealogy, it's not just for the high priests to do (even though they are the ones with all the time on their hands) and to take our family names to the temple. The church is coming out with a new family history software that is more user friendly and anything you can do at the church's computer you can now do at home.

I enjoyed the talk but it got me thinking. If you listen to conference, general or stake, you hear a lot of farming stories and how they relate to our personal life's and how we should be living the gospel. I enjoy these talks very much but what are the new leaders going to use for analogy's?


Deb and Stan said...

The thing about grape tomatoes, is they'll come up voluntarily in abundance if you just till the old tomatoes in. We have about 15 volunteer plants! YUMMY!!

Tyler's little boy says the "D" word. We've just started making him say Dang-it every time and it's catching on. Good luck with this one!

Emily Norman said...

Hilarious! Our kids have all said that before, too. It's pretty sad when you have to tell your kids that "that is a mommy/daddy word, not a kid word". Hypocrits! Anyway, I'm with you on the tomatoe thing. We have tons of them, but they are all still green. I'm sure they'll all turn red at the same dang time. Salsa anyone?

Ginger said...

Hi Taryn. Long time no see. I randomly found the THS blog and you were on it. Your kids are adorable! I can't believe you have 3! We recently had our 3rd boy!