Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our Handy Manny

Christmas was great! Our kids are spoiled as well as us. Thanks to everyone for everything! It's so hard to stop buying for the kids. I could totally get out of control but this year we kinda kept it under control. While they did receive less this year, what they did get cost more. I think we're done buying presents for a while, they all have more then what they even know what do with, so I don't think we'll have to buy them anything for several years.

The jet loves his handy manny tools. I mean he LOVES them. He is the first of our children to behave this way towards an item. He packs the tools everywhere he goes, and usually two at a time instead of all of them in the tool box. He makes multiple trips from one place to another transporting his tools. If he can't get all of his tools someplace, the world is coming to an end! or at least that what jet thinks as he throws huge fits. At my moms house, we started to vacum while he was playing with his tools on the floor, he hurriedly got up and started moving his tools to the couch, I guess he was worried they would be sucked up into the vacum. The first night home when it was bed time, he ran from the family room to his room with two tools at a time putting them in his crib. He wants to take them everywhere and we make him leave the tools behind, huge fits!! He's a nut! At least we know he likes his christmas present.

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