Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Seriously! Just sit still!

Taking pictures of kids is like herding cats! It just can't be done without someone going crazy - usually the parents. Sorry for all the pictures but it's been a while since I've posted pics and I wanted to show you all how hard it is to get a decent picture, especially with cash, that kid doesn't sit still for 2 seconds and jet he just doesn't know what he wants. Then when you do get a decent shot the camera or picture taker screws up! It's either blurry or too dark or too bright. Seriously.

This is so cash's personality. His pre-school teachers tell us that he is the funny kid in class. Yea, didn't see that one, haha.

These are only a sample of the pictures we took. Seems like we have to take 50+ pics just to get 1 good shot. I need to get a pro account to flickr then I could post all the pics for you all to see what we have to go through. Although I imagine that most of you already know how frustrating it is. Think that's why I'd rather just take pictures while their playing.

I love when they all play together, it's so fun to watch. Jet thinks that he's just as old as they are and copies everything they do. He also loves to wrestle with cash as long as it doesn't get too rough which it always does but he gets over it pretty quick.

She sings "All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth" pretty good now. The tooth fairy at this house is horrible, it takes him weeks if not months to visit. Who can remember all these things? Seriously?

This guy might just be the heart breaker of the bunch. He looks all adorable and that but don't let that fool you, he has the temper of his mom and dad combined. WOW! This kid can get mad.

1 comment:

{B} said...

The second to last photo is awesome.