Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Cookies and Holiday Tarts

That's the way the holiday's start.

Besides all the gift receiving, gift giving and more gift receiving, the Christmas season is filled with delicious food and yummy treats.

It gets pretty bad at work, during the month of December each section brings in treats one day. It use to be just that, treats, you know like chips and dip, some cake and chocolate. Then one year one section decided to out-do the other sections by making some grandiose breakfast. Well, the other sections couldn't be out-done so the rest of the sections crafted large scale meals. This is how it has been since. It feels as though we have around twenty sections, everyday we have breakfast or lunch, not complaining, it just starts to show around the waste.

At home, T makes fudge on a weekly basis through Christmas, we always have candy around the house, even more so during any holiday. Cookies and treats from neighbors and friends, it's a never ending stream of goodness. Add on top of all the treats, the food of Christmas. Ham and salads that last until New Years and then New Years goodies, O my!

Well, I think the the whole point of all of this was not to make you all hungry but to suggest where you could pick up all of these items. Grandpa B works at Harmons and they are having a contest between all of the stores. The store that sells the most between now and Christmas every employee at that store gets a gift certificate to Harmons. While your out and about shopping for your Christmas needs, see if you can't make it to the Harmons at 54th S. Redwood Rd. and help an old man out.

Also if you turn in a slip saying that it was Bartholomew that referred you to the store. The employee with the most referrals get's something, I can't remember what exactly but it was something.

Good luck with all your Christmas preparations and don't forget the True Meaning of Christmas!


Woodruff Family said...

I know what you mean. I am terrible this time of year when it comes to eating. I finally got the treadmill in a usable space, so I guess I need to double up on the workouts! I wish I could help out your Dad, but I don't think I'll be out that way.

Unknown said...

But there is a Harmons in St. George. I forgot to mention that Harmons is by far the best grocery store in Utah. And their new ones are insane! I am counting the days down to when they open the SLC store!

Lynzi Bartholomew said...

This is how it has been since. It feels as though we have around twenty sections, everyday we have breakfast or lunch, not complaining, it just starts to show around the waste.

I thought you knew grammar better,
or at least more than this! This is quite sad. Especially for YOU (:

Unknown said...

Ya, ya, ya. I need to take more time to write a post. Most of my posts are written in about ten to twenty minutes without much thought or editing.