Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Santa Claus

Why in the world, if you had a long white beard and white hair, would you go out with red pants and a red flannel button up shirt?

So we were leaving Smiths today and in a line at the customer service desk there was a man that was dressed this way. Cash was so excited!!! At first I thought that he was talking about a sticker that he had just gotten. But then I realized that he was pointing at someone, while saying "Santa Claus" over and over again. I was so embarrassed. I am sure that the guy heard. I tried to tell Cash that it wasn't really Santa, but that just made him get louder as he argued "Uh-huh, it is Santa Claus. See." He learned his arguing skills from his daddy. So I decided that I would stop arguing with him and just try to hurry him out the door. But of course he was extra slow as he gaped at the man all the way out. The only thing the guy was missing was a red hat.

I laughed the whole way out to the car. Cash was just so sure that he had just seen Santa!!!


The Johnston's said...

That is hilarious! The things that kids say are so funny.

cfernelius said...

Even if it's embarrassing, you can't help but laugh! Kids aren't trying to offend anyone, they just see what they see and it's funny!

Jen said...

To answer your question..to get the exact response your kid gave him. I'm about 99% sure this guy loves being mistaken for Santa. It probably makes his day. You gotta know he does it for the kids. Dont be embarrased. He probably ran home to Mrs Clause and told her all about it! For real.