Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Baby News

Still no name for the new baby boy. Everyone is still doing great. B and cody met their new baby brother, B was kinda nervous and wasn't sure what to do. She kinda stayed away from him and her mom at first until we came back from the cafeteria, then she went up to her mom and told her that she liked her and then she walked up to her new brother and held his hand. Cody, he's telling everyone in the hall about his new baby brother, "new baby brother". He was way excited to hold him, he ran into the room and up to his mom, "hi mom, baby brother?" Then T asked him if he wanted to hold baby bro and that he had to sit down, he ran to the couch and sat right down. He was frozen holding his brother, I dont think that he has ever sat that still for that long. He just stared at his new baby bro. I think though that when we get home with the baby he won't be too happy that the new guy is getting all the attention and that momma has to stay in bed with him all day.

Everyone has been here and the new hospital rooms are much larger then LDS so everyone fits and has a place to sit. This is a nice change. The teevees are HD, I think that I might just have to buy a HD teevee now. We were talking about just not watching as much teevee when they changed it up in February but now we might just get a new teevee.

Back to the baby. Taryn started getting contractions about 10:30 but we just thought it was false labor because she has been having contractions for the past couple of nights and she wasn't due until June 10th. Around 11-11:30 the contractions got closer and harder, it never happens like in the movies, we weren't sure what to do, with Bryten it was four years ago and we went to the hospital really early and T was induced with Cody. I wasn't ready, the baby wasn't even suppose to come for another week, so I kept telling T that it was just false labor. She called the hospital around 12:45, they told her to drink water and wait until the contractions got closer. Just after 1am T had enough with the pain and I called Haeli, no answer, called Jeremy, no answer. Then Haeli called back and said "THIS better be important!" as we left she said "This better be REAL labor!"

I carried b over to Haeli's house, she woke up a little and I explained to her that she was going to Haeli's to sleep, the first thing she said was, "where's cody?" What a good big sister! Then this morning when she woke up Haeli asked b how she got here, b said "my daddy carried me without my shoes" then Haeli asked why she was at her house and b explained that her mom was going to have a baby and that it was going to be a boy.

We got to the hospital around 2am and she was dilated at a four. They called the on-call doctor who wasn't T's but T didn't care she just wanted the baby out. Next thing you know the baby came out at 5:30. All pretty quick especially when it wasn't suppose to be here until next week. I had things to do! And I'm just not sure I'm ready for the third one, we are now out numbered. It was kinda fun to not know what the baby's sex was. Seeing when it popped out and being able to tell T. I think she was hoping for a girl.

Bryten was 7 lbs 5 oz 21 inches long, Cody was 6 lbs 13 oz 19 inches long. So they're getting smaller. The doc thought that maybe the placenta was stuck on something during the pregnancy and couldn't grow any larger and that would explain why he's small.

This was a very nerve racking delivery for us. One of Taryn's cousins lost a baby just days before she was due a couple months ago and Marcee's sister-n-law's baby had heart problems. So we were pretty stressed out. We are very grateful for our healthy baby and our other healthy children.

Thanks to all of you for your support and care we really appreciate it!

And yes the computer is attached to my hip!

He has really long finger and toes and really big feet.


Chris and Shawnee said...

Congratulations! He is such a cutie! I can't wait to have one of my own!

Preston and Keri said...

He is sooooooo cute! Look at all that hair. He has more hair then Kayston's ever had, not fair.
I've heard that going from 2 kids to 3 is super hard so you'll have to let me know so we can decide if we want more.:)

Grams C said...

Look at all that hair!! He is so beautiful! He looks a lot like Cody, I think. Kiss him for Auntie Deb!

tara said...

He's so adorable!! Congratulations! You better be bringin him by soon!

BJ and Steph said...

He is SO cute!!! Congratulations!!! By the way- Madi's placenta was small and she was 5 lbs 9.5 ounces....maybe small placentas run in the family. (The doctor told me that it is a random thing that sometimes happens).
Anyways-He is ADORABLE!!! I love all of the hair-Madi still doesn't have that much:)

Judy said...

Little Baby Bartholomew is so cute. He is darling! B and Cody are going to be great with the baby. Congratulations to you all! Yeah the baby is here! - Judy

Kimberly J. said...

Congratulations Bartholomew's!!!! He is adorable! Good job Taryn! Hope all is well with you guys... can't wait to see him!

Anonymous said...

Life really is a miracle. I am so happy for you and your family! Everyone is right, he is adorable! If you can do three, you can do six. Good luck on picking a name. Tiff hasn't decided on one yet - girl due mid July. Jann