Friday, April 25, 2008


So for those of you who don't know I sprained my ankle pretty bad about two months ago. I did it while playing basketball. The other team had a fast break and I ran down to try and block the guy, instead I took him out along with my ankle. When I planted my foot to jump something made a loud crack and then I fell to the floor. I thought for sure that it was broke, felt like it was broke, sounded like it broke. Spent the next couple of days laying in bed before I made it to the docs. The doc took some X rays, said it wasn't broke just a bad sprain and sent me to the physical therapist. The physical therapist took a look at it, said it wasn't broke iced it and told me to come back twice a week. I think I managed once a week for a while, mainly cause it felt really good when they massaged it. The PT did tell me that it was a really bad high ankle sprain and compared it to Dirk Nowitzki spraining his ankle. That made me feel pretty cool about myself, until he told me that Nowitzki was back playing on it ten days later. Yeah, I'm a wuss!

It is feeling better now. I can walk without a limp and can even run a bit. It's still a little swollen and gives me problems. Maybe if I would do the ice/hot treatment more often I could get the swelling to go but really who has time for that? I don't even have time to post this but I needed a break from my last paper which should be done tonight or soon after.

Here are some pics of my foot. One is a couple days after the other one was last week. Not very good pics but they work.

Just wanted to add a note here about my physical therapist. Hand & Orthopedic Rehabilitation Specialist at 702 East South Temple. Whats sad is I don't even know my therapist last name. His name his Tyler and his assistants that helped me, Molly and Abby. They all did an excellent job and were very nice, friendly and helpful. I would recommend them to anyone needing a foot, ankle or leg physical therapist. If for some crazy reason any of them read this blog, thanks.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I must say Brad, I am impressed that you are still playing Ball. I haven't played in such a long time. Since my knee surgeries I haven't want to chance it. So good on ya. Sucks about the ankle, but boy you have ugly feet!