Wednesday, April 2, 2008


We had a great Easter. The kids got the candy hook up! Cody was so happy he was clapping and cheering for the easter bunny! He can smell candy, he's always finding candy and can hear you unwrap candy from a mile away. You can't hide it from him. So he was in heaven.

Bunny loot

Easter egg hunting

Showing off new digs!

We went to church and made the mistake of sitting on the front row with my sister sitting across the isle. Cody and Gaven thought that they could just walk back and forth between us. The primary all got on stage to sing and Cody walked right up to the stairs and just stared at them until they were done, then he clapped and cheered. So then Kayli went back to her parents and was excited because "Cody was clapping for me".

Then we had cheerios and Gaven kept coming back and forth getting them and dropping them. So then Cody went around stomping on them. Of course as with every Sunday Cody and I ended up in the hall.

We then went to my parents and had a nice dinner and hung out before heading out to T's parents for an Easter egg hunt and another nice dinner. It was great I had left overs for a week.

Probably the best picture of all of them out of about seven shots.

I had them sit down for this and after about three shots Cody got up and said "Done dad" and walked away. They were after all sliding.

Looking for easter eggs

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