Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Preparedness Fair

Our Stake had a preparedness fair a few weeks back. We were inadvertently involved in the fair. I believe that because I work for emergency services that I become the default preparedness guy. Which is funny because I am probably one of the least prepared and if it wasn't for my mother-n-law I would have nothing for preparedness.

No, I really don't mind though we were asked if we would help come up with ideas for heating, cooking and lighting when the power and gas went out. That turned into providing the ideas which then turned into providing everything related to what we were asked and manning the table. It really was good for us and was actually a great experience. I usually get nervous about preparedness fairs, they seem to bring the crazy people out but it wasn't so bad, only a few crazies and they weren't really that crazy.

For cooking, I just brought my camping stoves and my mother-n-laws dutch oven and huge propane stove. I really should get a good dutch oven and learn how to use it. We also had heat in a can and some other storage heating stove. We had a pamphlet that my mother-n-law gave us that we passed out talking about emergency lighting, heating and cooking. If you haven't already noticed the theme here, it's that I have no clue about emergency preparedness, while my mother-n-law is a preparedness pro!

I am going to do some name dropping! That's how I roll! Yes, I am standing next to Salt Lake City Councilman Carlton Christensen, by far one of the best if not THE best city councilman anywhere. Also we met Gov. Gary Herbert, not a fan, but still the Gov. He said that he had a business partner that was a Bartholomew and I quickly asked for a job! No, just kidding. I told him that I didn't know the man but pretty sure that we were related.

1 comment:

Preparedness Pro said...

Glad that the preparedness fair was rewarding. Are you familiar with a solar oven? It's really helpful, both for everyday use and in an emergency. You can even make your own. http://tinyurl.com/ozodls