Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Girl who took up two full days

After I posted my last post where I stated I was going to write one post everyday for the month of December, I finally made it to the good part of "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" and haven't had time to blog. It took me two weeks to read 150-200 pages, then I couldn't put it down and finished the book in a day and a half. I'm not a fast reader, wish I was, probably wouldn't have taken so long.

Everyone I've talked to about The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo have said basically the same thing, takes a long time to get into the book but once the book starts going they cannot put it down. Overall it was a good book with a good underlying theme. Well, really not good, it's sad and disturbing but good that it's being talked about. Give you a hint of the underlying theme, the original Swedish title of the book is "Men who Hate Women". Parts of the book are pretty disturbing and it boggles my mind that in 2010 we still have slavery, women/girls who disappear, violence against women and to a certain extent treating women bad is acceptable.

The book is about 200 pages too long. There are many "details" in the book that really add nothing. I cannot think of a book that talks so much about what they are eating and the amount of coffee drunk is unbelievable. I'm amazed that they slept at all with all the caffeine consumed.

I would recommend this book, though there are disturbing scenes, which are necessary to the storyline. I will be starting "The Girl who Played with Fire" soon!


ilikewinter said...

Wow, posting daily for a whole month! I think I challenged myself to two weeks once. Way to go!

I enjoyed your review, as well. I saw that book at a store recently and wondered what it was about. Good to know, might check it out at the library. =)

{B} said...

Have you watched the movie? I saw it on netflix and wondered if it was as good as the book. I haven't read it yet.

Unknown said...

Well, you can see how well my every day for the month is going.

I started watching the movie on netflix and it felt like they assumed you read the book before watching the movie. I couldn't finish the movie. I might try again after I forget most of the book, might make the movie better.

{B} said...

I can't judge you...i've only posted on our blog like 3 times in 3 months. I guess i'll have to read the book then if I intend to watch the movie!