Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mine's Bigger Than Yours!

Cash and his bff g-money went the bathroom together, not together together, they took turns. Both now stand up to pee and are quit proud of themselves of this feat and they both do relatively well in keeping it all in the toilet. They do better when they have something to aim at or you remind them to make lots of bubbles.

This post might be crossing the line a little but it was too good not to share with everyone. I wasn't there but T told me and there is no way that she would ever post this. She was blushing just telling me the story. The story as told by T and understood by me.

Here is their conversation as g-money goes the bathroom while cash watches;

Cash: you have a small penis, mine is big

g-money: NAAHAAA!!!

Cash: mine is bigger

g-money: I have a big penis

Cash: my penis is bigger

T wasn't sure what to do or say, so she told them it didn't matter and got them out of the bathroom. Not really sure where they learn this stuff from, unless they heard my conversation with g-money's dad last week that went pretty much a long the same lines. Really though, is this just ingrained in boys at birth to think of such things?


Brett said...

So I was laughing about the boys...then I read the last paragraph. Hilarious.

Deb and Stan said...

Don't know who G-Money is, but I am GONNA have to have a talk with his father!

Anonymous said...


Wait 'til he shows you some other things I taught him, like the Superman stance.

The Christiansens said...

Zack told his friend the same thing when he was about two it was his friends mom that spoke up first and said "Well he's cold"