Thursday, January 8, 2009


Yes, we are still here. I know, I know, we have been totally slacker crackin on the blog updates. You know, just haven't felt much in the mood to write anything. We have had a lot of things to write about, I didn't want to force anything.

Here we are a good week into the New Year. For me it hasn't been a good week. Took the kids sledding/snowboarding over the weekend. They didn't care much for the sledding at all. B loved the snowboard and cash liked it for a minute and then he was done. Well, I was the chair lift, carrying the kids up the hill so they don't have to take the snowboard off and walk. Somewhere in picking the kids up and first taking them up the four foot hill and then the bigger hill, I did something to my back. T hates it. About once a year sometimes twice, I tweak my back up good enough that I can do nothing but lay in bed and complain. Luckily this time it only lasted a couple of days and I didn't have to go to the doctor. T already had some pain killers from giving birth earlier this year and boy did they work. Knocked me completely out. Too bad she only had a few left.

Coming back to work after having two weeks off isn't very fun. I know, I shouldn't be complaining about getting all that time off work. It was nice spending time with the fam and being around to help T out, especially after the craziness of December. But coming back to work was not fun. I'm having the hardest time trying to remember where I was on all my projects and what needs to be done. The bad back didn't help any and now I'm sick. What a great way to start the new year off. Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come for the rest of the year. I'll be posting some more blogs to catch everyone up on what we did over the holidays.

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