Monday, September 15, 2008

Regional Stake Conference

We had our Stake Conference this past weekend. It was a regional conference that involved 72 stakes. President Monson spoke along with Elder Ballard and Elder Hinckley. I attended the Saturday Leadership training, I was late so I only heard Elder Ballard and Pres. Monson talk. I almost didn't go, who wants to spend two hours of their Saturday morning in a church meeting? I'm glad that I went, it was both inspirational and motivational. So if you were downtown Saturday morning and saw loads of men dressed up, you now know why. On Sunday we decided that the kids would not sit very still for two hours of watching them talk on a big screen in our chapel so we decided to go late and catch Pres. Monson. It's hard to pay attention with kids, I think between the two of us we probably heard the whole talk. It was better once Cody fell asleep.

President Monson shared this with us,

I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and found that life was duty.
I acted and beheld duty was joy.

- Rabindranath Tagore

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