Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm kinda a Big Deal on Twitter

Haha! I have a few other blog posts in the works and hopefully I'll post those soon. In the meantime I thought I would share my fame with you all. City Weekly posted a blog quoting one of my tweets. I know some of you have tried twitter and most of you have not. Im addicted! It saves me a whole lots of time, the people I follow are always posting links to news and other items that I no longer have to search for.

Anyways, my tweet was about how I wish Rep. Mathason was more of a man like Barny Frank. There is a great clip on the link above to reference what I'm talking about. I agree with Frank that it's too bad that congress is not debating a single payer health care system.

1 comment:

Deb and Stan said...

WHOO HOO! You are famous! Great job! I did try Twitter and didn't like it.