Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Movies

I'm going to try something and see if I like it or not. We usually watch a movie or two over the weekends, mostly from redbox and I enjoy spending Monday's talking to friends about the movies we've watched as well as the movies they've watched. I'm not much of movie critic, I have no "in's" and I'm far from any movie expert, I can't tell you who directed what movies or name some unknown actor. I just want to share with my readers what I share with my friends, what I thought about the movies I watched over the weekend.

This past weekend we watched "Bright Star" and "Inglorious Bastards"

"Bright Star"

Bright Star is about the poet John Keats and his relationship with Fanny Brawne. I don't know much about poetry, not a big fan, so I had no idea that Keats was actually a very influential romantic poet and this movie was based on a true story. If you don't know about Keats and want to see this movie, watch the movie before you read about who Keats was or it will ruin the movie for you, well, kind of.

The movie was pretty slow, but other then that I enjoyed the movie and thought it was a great movie. I would recommend this movie, especially over V-day if your with someone special. It is a great love story - kinda. I don't want to ruin it for anyone.

Here is the poem the movie was named after and that Keats wrote for Fanny.

Bright Star

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art —
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like Nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors —
No — yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever — or else swoon to death.

Inglourious Bastards

This movie was 100% about Quinten Tarantino and him showing everyone what a great and talented writer/director he is. That said this movie was horrible, mainly for that reason. I thought Tarantino tired so hard to be Tarantino that this movie blows. I was absolutely bored with it half way through. This movie is based on what Tarantino wished would have happened to the Germans and Hitler during WWII and while we all dream about such things doesn't mean they should be made into movies. Brad Pitt is one of my favorite actors but he kinda annoyed me during this movie, I thought he ripped his accent off from George Clooney in "O' Brother, Where Art Thou?" But he did save this awful movie, him and the detective Nazi, Col. Hans Landa played by Christopher Waltz. While Hans was a Nazi and we were suppose to hate him, I thought he was a great character and while it was hard to like him, I did.

Like other Tarantino movies, this one is bloody and gory, that's how he roles. I would not recommend this movie to anyone, not because of the blood and violence but because it's not a good movie.

1 comment:

renostar said...

Good to know! I had a feeling we wouldn't like Inglorious Bastards but it's official - we won't waste our time. Even if it is nominated for some oscars. Tarintino is hit and miss with us - mostly miss.

We'll probably pick up Bright Star this week! if you guys haven't already seen it, 500 days of summer is also another wonderful show. If you haven't, we have it and will gladly lend it to you!