Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Never Ending

I want you all to feel sorry for me, I've been sick since before Christmas and it just won't go away. I'm done with it. It hasn't been bad enough to keep me in bed all day or stop me from going to work, it's just been lingering and bothersome. Until this past week, it hit me and knocked me out. Really, I didn't tell you that to feel sorry for me, but rather to explain my lack of blogging, I just haven't felt like it. That and I really don't have much to blog about, well I do but nothing special.

I will share with you all our school for this semester. T has some pretty exciting classes and Im sure that you're all are jealous. This semester T has History of Math and Calculas II. She has to write a paper for her History class, it's kinda funny, math people don't like to write and she just complains that the reason she likes math is because she doesn't have to write papers.

This semester, my last semester ever of school!! I have two courses, I'm taking Econometrics which is actually just half of the semester and I'll be done with that on March 1st!! Then I have my Graduate Projects class, were we just talk about our masters project, where we are at and how things are coming along.

Trying to find where I can stream live olympic coverage but haven't had any luck. If you have been streaming the olympics live online let me know where. No not NBC.

1 comment:

{B} said...

I felt the same way and this last week it finally hit me straight on. I'm kind of glad though, hopefully i'll feel better now! John just started a math class and it's kicking his butt already.