Monday, January 18, 2010

Boys Adrift

With Cash money the way he is, all crazy and out of control, I've decided to turn to books about raising boys for help. Cash really isn't that bad, he is crazy but overall he is a good kid, I just want to raise him the best way that we can and we do have two boys so hoping that there is some crossover in raising them. Cash doesn't take much for listening but I think that has as much to do with him being 3 as it does with being a boy. I think that the terrible twos are nothing compared to the horrible threes.

The first book I read was Boys Adrift by Dr. Sax. This book is great if you are white-middle to upper class and have a boy. If your boy does not fit in this category, the book will be still be of help but if your boy does fit in this category it's a great book. The author mentions more then once that this is not a book about girls or minorities. The middle to upper class part I figured out in the fact that most of his stories are about boys that have the option of private schools and in good neighborhoods with decent public schools. I do believe that Dr. Sax tried to offer advice to those who do not have the liberty of unlimited funds but he fall short with this advice.

The main focus of this book is to identify why boys are remaining boys and not growing up to be responsible men. The author uses a lot of generalizations and admits this. Not all men remain boys but an increasing percentage do. Why are boys content with living at home, not going to college or trade school, why don't they care about high school or much else?

I saw much of myself and friends in parts of the book which helped answer some questions and should be helpful for me. It did take me until I was 30 to get a four year degree! Dr. Sax comes to five factors that influence boys and he does this after a long career as a psychologist. The five factors from his website:

1 - Video Games. Studies suggest that some of the most popular video games are disengaging boys from real-world pursuits.

2 - Teaching Methods. Profound changes in the way children are educated have had the unintended consequence of turning many boys off school.

3 - Prescription Drugs. Overuse of medication for ADHD may be causing irreversible damage to the motivational centers in boys’ brains.

4 - Endocrine Disruptors. Environmental estrogens from plastic bottles and food sources may be lowering boys’ testosterone levels, making their bones more brittle and throwing their endocrine systems out of whack.

5 - Devaluation of Masculinity. Shifts in popular culture have transformed the role models of manhood. Forty years ago we had Father Knows Best; today we have The Simpsons.

Dr. Sax uses the movie Failure to Launch as an example of what he is talking about. Boys are smart and creative but have no initiative to do something with their lives. Boys are living at home with their parents far longer then they should with no goal of finishing school or saving for a house but just rather because mommy takes care of everything.

From me:
1 - Video Games. He says that it's not all games that are bad but violent games and spending too much time playing these games. When boys would rather play video games then real sports then there is a problem. Of course not all boys play video games and video games do not lead to problem boys in every case.

2 - Teaching Methods. Boys are not meant to sit still in class rooms learning to read when they are 5 or even 6. Kindergarten has changed and is now what 1st grade use to be. There is less time devoted to activities that requires exploring type learning and more time is devoted to sitting in desks learning. School today are more focused on desk learning and much less on experience learning. Most boys do much better with experience learning. They could care less to read or hear about how a tadpole transforms into a frog unless they have seen and chased tadpoles and frogs in a pond.

3 - Prescription Drugs. ADHD is a real problem but most boys who are diagnosed are miss diagnosed and most boys who do have ADHD could be helped with drugs that have fewer long term side effects.

4 - Endocrine Disruptors. Im going to try and put together a post to talk more on this.

5 - Devaluation of Masculinity. American society does not have any traditions that introduce boys into manhood. Most societies have some type of ritual where the boy can show that he is ready to become or has become a man. Boys do not have role models on how to act like a man. Again these are generalizations like everything else in the book. This is where I feel that LDS boys/men have an advantage, the priesthood teaches many young men how to become and act like men (whether they do or not is a different story) and sending boys on two year missions could be a ritual of when a boy becomes a man (again, whether they do or not is a different story).

Overall I thought that this was a great book and gave me many ideas on how I can better raise my boys. I would suggest this book to anyone who is raising boys at any age. My sister is reading my copy now and then T will is going to read it, after that any of you are welcome to borrow Boy Adrift.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I've never really been one for new years resolutions or even setting goals. I usually enjoy living one day at a time and taking everything in stride. The things I have accomplished I've never written them down as goals or something to be achieved, I just did them. My issue with setting new years resolutions is why do you have to wait until new years day? Or any day for that matter to set resolutions? If you want to change or do something then don't wait.

My problem with goals is many, I'm lazy for starters and if I actually write down a goal that means I would have to do something to achieve it. To where getting a degree was never a "goal" meant if I didn't get a degree I didn't fail at achieving my goal.

Going against everything I know to be true I'm going to make some goals for this year. It's a first and probably a last - we'll see how I do.

- Exercise
- This one I will be forced into- I have signed up for RAGNAR which is a race from Logan to Park City. Luckily it is a 12 person rely race, so I only run three legs at 4-10 mile a leg. More info can be found here

- Get OUT
- I NEED to get out more - by that I mean I need to hike, camp, fish, backpack, snowshoe, ski and all that. The eight+ years I've been married I think I have only had a fishing licence 2ice and not once since we've had kids. I need to hike way more whether it's with friends, the kids, the wife or solo. I have never been snowshoeing but is something I really want to try and hopefully will before spring.
-Watch less teevee
- I don't really watch much teevee to begin with, mostly just to fill the room with noise and to distract my brain to think about nothing. I really hate teevee and think it's generally bad for me and my kids. By teevee I just mean in general and does not extend to movies or other shows on dvd without commercials. Going to get rid of cable, will be easier for me then the wife. There is little time as it is.

- Read more
- I have a stack of books that I have started reading and five other stacks that I want to read.

- I kinda already do this but I would like to have better written blogs. I've decided that even though I can't write I'm going to randomly review a variety of things. Just about anything and everything I do, read, buy and or use and just about anything else. This way if you are thinking of buying or using or reading something, maybe I'll review it and you can see if it's worth your time and money

-Last but not least - finish school by receiving my Master of Public Policy

Well, there you go, my 2010 goals. Now TAKE STATE!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year and New Decade!

I have been working on this post of a while now, for some reason I just can't get it out to you all. I know how you all wait on pins and needles for my blog updates.

We had a fantastic holiday season! The kids loved Christmas as well as us parents. Christmas day has sure changed a lot from when I was a kid, it was fun and exciting to experience Christmas as a kid. Then when your a teenager, it's still kinda fun and exciting but nothing compared to what it was when you were younger. Then in the young adult years, it's just another holiday where you have to buy everyone presents and now that you making decent money you feel abliged to buy better presents. Then you get married and you spend all your money on your spouse but the excitement that was Christmas is still missing though the spirit of Christmas never really leaves. Then when the kids come along the old excitement of Christmas returns. I think I get more excited about the kids opening their presents they do!

My beautiful wife was the last baby of the '70s born in Utah. They received all sorts of gifts and goodies for having the last baby of the decade. It's interesting to look back on this last decade and the many changes that have taken place. Ten years ago I was single and hadn't even met T yet and in all seriousness I wasn't ready for marriage in many ways. I was living with a good friend and we had one heck of a bachelor pad if you know what I mean. Now, ten years later, I'm married with three kids, a college degree, almost a masters, a mortgage and a career. What a crazy ten years. I wonder what the next ten years will bring? What kind of technologies our kids will be showing us how to use.

"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just like people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, and most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
— Gordon B. Hinckley

I am surely blessed with more then my fair share of beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed!