This is my favorite SYTYCD dance of all time. It was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Choreography!
So, your probably wondering why I love SYTYCD? Well, I don't dance, I can't dance. I did take some lessons when I was in Jr. High (ya, that helps the self confidence of a jr. high boy) and I have taken some classes with the wife. I have three little sisters that dance, so I grew up spending whole days at dance competitions, which really isn't that bad when your Jr. High and High School age cause those things a chuck full of girls the same age! Then I married a dancer/cheerleader who now teaches dance and my daughter dances. This life time of conditioning has lead me to appreciate and enjoy watching good choreography and dancing.
So there is the short of it.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Christiansen Reunion
We made our annual trip out to Ibapah last weekend for the Christiansen reunion. It was a lot of fun and the kiddies had a blast! B is now to the age that she can remember last year a little bit, add that with the anticipation that Z man was going to be there, she was supper excited. Cash was just excited to go camping and both were excited to play in grandmas new trailer. Here is the link to last years reunion.
They have all sorts of games and activities for the kids, along with rope swings, a huge teeter-todor, a pond and ATV's. The people who take care of the ranch do an excellent job! We pitch our tents on grass, we can throw blankets out on the grass and not worry too much about the kids getting dirty.
This was taken of the boys getting their much needed naps about 10 minutes before the tornado struck! Ok, it wasn't a tornado, but it felt almost like one. You could see the clouds rolling in and the wind was picking up, so everyone started to get ready for a storm. I was able to get the boys in our tent just before the wind really began to blow! After the wind blew hard for a few minutes, I had to stop to look if their was a tornado or not, the rain came and boy did it rain! It poured for a good 10-15 minutes and then stopped and about half hour later, cleared up. T and Jet just about got it from a fly away tarp, luckily some kid grabbed a hold of it before it wrapped them up. I love those kind of summer storm, kinda fun really.
They really loved the motorcycle rides from their grandpa.
I'm probably posting way too many pictures, but we did take 150!
I don't know whats going on in here but it looks like one of the 500 fights the boys had.
Here's another fight, if you look closely, you can see that they're all holding rocks, with Z man holding the biggest, looks more like he has a brick. B is out of there! This ended just fine, I don't think any rocks were thrown, though after Z man dropped the brick, Cash picked it up and started running after Z man until I yelled at him to drop it.
We're horrible parents! Pretty sure Jet had some ear aches going on while we were out there, and instead of coming home, we just stayed. The first night he woke up sometime around 3am and screamed bloody murder for about an hour! He was ticked off! Nothing we did helped him, he didn't want anything, finally I just held him still for about 5 minutes and he was out. But this woke up Cash, who was whinny and wouldn't sleep for about a half hour until I threatened him that I would strap him in his car seat and he would sleep in the car. He sunk to the bottom of our sleeping bag, T was in his by now and pouted himself to sleep. Then B woke up around 5am after all of this and need to poop! Whats going on here? Seriously? Needless to say, it was a long night. Luckily for everyone involved, they all slept just fine the next night.
Can't wait for next year!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Crash Money
Well, it took him three years but he finally succeeded in breaking his arm. He had the eventful day on the 4th of July this year. Every year the Rose Park community has a kids parade, where kids decorate their bikes and go from the Day-Riverside Library to Riverside park where there is a breakfast. About half of the way is along the Jordan River, when the trail moves into the park there is a bit of a hill that goes off of the Jordan River trail down to the park. As we were going along, Cash would cruz ahead on his bike, get stuck, (he has a hard time still pedaling forward) wait for us, we would give him a little help and he would be off again. As we were approaching the downslope Cash came whizzing by me, I told him to stop and wait, of course he listened as good as always, not at all and kept on going. I knew what was coming next. As he turned down the hill and disappeared behind a group of people, I started seeing people jumping out of the way as an out of control 3 year old went flying down the hill! He emerged out of the crowd with his feet off the pedals and veered onto the grass, he soon let go of his handle bars and with arms stretched out crashed onto the grass!
Nope, this isn't how he broke his arm. But he did get right up, took a look at his bike and started crying that the had grass stuck in the one of the pedals. We pulled the grass off, threw his bike back on the sidewalk and he was on his way.
After the breakfast and clean up we headed home. T's mom does a big bbq every 4th, so we thought that we would put all of our kids down for nap before we headed over, this would hopefully mean less grumpy kids for the fireworks. So with all the kids down supposedly following our plan and taking a nap, I headed out to work around the yard. As I'm playing with my tomatoes, T comes running out, "Brad, I think Cash broke his arm!" I thought, crap, it's probably sticking out and all gross looking, the sight of it is going to make me sick. But actually it was hard to tell if he broke his arm or not. He was crying like he had just broken his arm, a good steady cry but not hysterical and holding his arm kinda limp. We played around with his arm for a bit, feeling the bone, having him squeeze his fist and move his fingers. We decided that we should take him in just in case, we didn't want to be like the Hiltons and take our kid in hours later.
I stayed home with the other kiddies, finally getting Jet to sleep. Got a call from T, he had a fracture brake, the doc said that it was the best kinda break for a kid to have and should heal just fine. They first put a wrap on his arm, we could tell right off this wasn't going to last long. The first day that he had it on, he asked multiple times to take it off "It doesn't hurt any more" thinking this would allow him to no longer wear the wrap. When that didn't work he then proceeded on several occasions to start taking off the wrap. Luckily he only had the wrap on for a few days before getting his cast. Casts now-a-days are great! They can get wet! This is perfect for summer, this allows him to still swim and boys get beyond filthy in the summer, if we had to cover the cast in plastic every time we needed to give him a bath, he would never get a bath! At least from me!
He is trying hard to break his other arm! His cast hasn't slowed him down a bit.
Monday, July 13, 2009
So I know that I have been a huge slacker on my blog but life happens. It's been real hard for some reason to keep this updated, maybe it's because facebook is easier and most of my readers are also friends on facebook, if not all. I've also been super busy with school. I am going to the U for a Master of Public Policy. This is keeping me very busy. Between work and school and the family and a few other projects, leaves me little time for my blog. Hopefully I'll inundate you with some post in the next few weeks before school picks back up.
So our show, So You Think You Can Dance is back for a 5th season. It took us a while to get into the show this season, that was until last week. Last week was great, probably one of the best SYTYCD shows in the five seasons. Still, no one is really sticking out as a personal favorite. We thinks it's because, so far nobody's personality has really stood out. We really like the following two dances.
You can skip to the dance about -5:40
You can skip to the dance about -5:40
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